Mi~Story by Siobhán Freeney

My name is Siobhan Freeney and here is Mi~Story:

We constantly talk about Patient centred care and outcomes. Patients are partners in Research and Health Professions Education where successful collaborative work is happening, we celebrate these achievements as we forge ahead with the benefits of incorporating the Lived Experience.

We're on the cusp of yet another seismic change in Diagnostic Imaging with the use of AI - yet with all these advances in Science and Data Sharing, it really saddens me that Women across Europe are denied Key Information from their Breast Cancer Screening Mammograms.

I am referring of course to Breast Density information determined by reading Women’s Breast Cancer Screening Mammograms. Disseminating this information would be a key step in equitably empowering Women in Europe to take informed, actionable steps to monitor their own breast health.

In 2015 my Invasive Lobular Breast Cancer Tumour was missed on my Screening Mammogram, multiple Breast Screenings failed to identify the Tumour which was eventually diagnosed at Stage 3c - 7cm and node positive. It was diagnosed after a self referral and 6 months after yet another 'Clear Mammogram' letter was sent to me.

My missed Diagnosis was referred to by the Breast Cancer Screening Program as 'A True Interval Cancer'

My Surgeon however said it had been growing for 6 - 8 years

Experts within the Screening Program said it was 'Unseen with Learning Points'

The bottom line is that the Tumour was 'Unseen'

It was missed because it was growing 'Unseen' in #Densebreast tissue. I had not once been notified that I had #Densebreasts. Had I known, I would have asked for the additional, essential Imaging that would have found my Tumour at a smaller, node negative, earlier and more treatable Stage. I was denied that opportunity.

At diagnosis, I was told that I would unequivocally require a Mastectomy and full Axillary Node Clearance, following months of Dose Dense Chemotherapy. After surgery, I had 35 Radiotherapy treatments to the Chest, the Axilla and the Internal Mammary Nodes.

How much of my treatment was avoidable?

Where Are The 'Learning Points'

At the European Society of Radiology Congress ALL all of the incredible advancements in Diagnostic Imaging are on display to the world. ALL the Imaging Companies and Giants of Diagnostic Industry gather together in Vienna, every year - it truly is a spectacular event.

As a woman who has a Lived Experience of Late Diagnosis, I have first hand knowledge of the consequences of failed / inadequate Diagnostic Imaging.

Had my Breast Density information been shared with me, those consequences would not have been so severe. I should have been offered MRI or Supplemental Ultrasound and we know that my Tumour would have been found much earlier had this happened.

This has to stop ✋ the consequences of late Diagnosis are life limiting and avoidable surgeries are in effect, Amputations which are Avoidable.


#finditearly #tellmemybreastdensity


Mi~Story by Clare Cowhig