Mi~Story by Francesca Lanni

Life can surprise you, sometimes in the toughest ways. At 34, with a wonderful spouse and two little kids, I thought I was in the prime of my life. But then I was diagnosed with cancer. It's a myth that young, healthy people don't get cancer—I'm living proof that they do.

Everything changed with that diagnosis. Instead of normal life routines, I was suddenly scheduling surgeries and sessions of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Just as life started to feel normal again, the cancer returned, more aggressive than before. The second round was even harder, with more intense treatments and surgeries.

Through all this, I learned how much support matters. My family, friends, and care team were my rock. But what also kept me going was changing how I lived and thought. I started eating healthier, practicing meditation, and keeping a positive mindset. These changes didn't just help me fight cancer; they transformed how I live my life.

Cancer made me look at my life differently. After years in banking and finance, I realized I needed something more fulfilling. I went back to school, earned a master's degree, and now I coach others. I help people not just survive their challenges but thrive beyond them, focusing on their physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

My journey with cancer taught me about resilience and gratitude. It showed me what's truly important. If you're facing a similar battle, remember you're not alone, and with the right support and mindset, you can overcome anything. 

I share my story to inspire and to remind everyone that cancer can affect anyone, but with courage and a positive outlook, there's always hope and new paths to explore.



Mi~Story by Clare Cowhig